Wednesday, May 10, 2006

A different kind of Mother's Day

Tamba Hali, a Penn State footbal player recently drafted by the Kansas City Chiefs, wants to celebrate Mother's Day a little bit differently than most. From

Kansas City Chiefs defensive end Tamba Hali, the team's 2006 first-round selection, might have the best Mother's Day present of all in store.

A native of war-torn Liberia, Hali has not seen his mother Rachel Keita since he escaped the country's violence in 1994. For several years he has worked with Penn State head coach Joe Paterno and his son Scott, who is a lawyer, to get Rachel a green card so she could join him in America.

Until now, Liberian officials were concerned that Hali would not be able to provide for his mother, but his new NFL earning potential has eased their fears. He is currently applying for U.S. citizenship and hopes to sponsor his mother's trip overseas before training camp.

"She's going to go from living in a grass hut to living in a nice home," says Hali. "I can't wait to see her again and teach her all about the game of football."

Monday, May 08, 2006

We Get Letters...

Well, no we don't get letters but I do like Perry Como, so there you go. I'm just going to give you some updates on things that I have mentioned on the blog before in case you were wondering what happened.

Weight Loss- It's going well. I've lost 40 pounds so far. My blood pressure is now under control and my general state of health and fitness is very much improved. My weight loss slowed during the month of April but I'm adjusting a few thing to get going again. I'll let you know how that works out.

Digital Photography- I haven't had the time to do much shooting but I'll try to remedy that over the summer. Great camera, though. No complaints.

Ginny Mac- You know. The girl with the great set of... accordions. And the nice handwriting. I saw on her website awhile back that her new album is available. I haven't ordered it yet but I fully intend to.

The Orioles- Hey it's early. And they're my team. No bad words here.

The Mega Dog- RIP, Mega Dog. The Westward Ho closed last fall. Oh, the humanity!

Las Vegas- aka The City Without the Mega Dog. I'll be going again in July, this time for a reunion. I'm looking forward to seeing some folks I haven't seen in awhile but I'm not looking forward to 110°F in the shade.

Juggling- I can now juggle three clubs very well. Still working on tricks but I've got the three club cascade down. I just recently started juggling again after a long layoff.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Curious Headline

From Belfast: Dyke booing mystery solved.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


If anyone ever complains that blogs are mostly boring diaries written by boring people with boring lives and that you must read real newspapers to get real news, please refer them to this column.