A different kind of Mother's Day
Tamba Hali, a Penn State footbal player recently drafted by the Kansas City Chiefs, wants to celebrate Mother's Day a little bit differently than most. From NFL.com:
Kansas City Chiefs defensive end Tamba Hali, the team's 2006 first-round selection, might have the best Mother's Day present of all in store.
A native of war-torn Liberia, Hali has not seen his mother Rachel Keita since he escaped the country's violence in 1994. For several years he has worked with Penn State head coach Joe Paterno and his son Scott, who is a lawyer, to get Rachel a green card so she could join him in America.
Until now, Liberian officials were concerned that Hali would not be able to provide for his mother, but his new NFL earning potential has eased their fears. He is currently applying for U.S. citizenship and hopes to sponsor his mother's trip overseas before training camp.
"She's going to go from living in a grass hut to living in a nice home," says Hali. "I can't wait to see her again and teach her all about the game of football."