Wednesday, June 01, 2005

The Yellow Rose of Emily

When I was in grade schoool I learned that many of Emily Dickinson's poems can be sung to the tune of "The Yellow Rose of Texas."

Because I could not stop for Death,
He kindly stopped for me;
The carriage held but just ourselves
And Immortality.

We slowly drove, he knew no haste,
And I had put away
My labor, and my leisure too,
For his civility.


There's a yellow rose in Texas,
That I am going to see,
Nobody else could miss her,
Not half as much as me.

She cried so when I left her
It like to broke my heart,
And if I ever find her,
We nevermore will part.

Well, it turns out you can also sing Dickinson to "Amazing Grace," "Auld Lang Syne," or "House of the Rising Sun." Not to mention a number of other tunes. And did you know that you can sing Robert Blake's "Tyger! Tyger!" to "Deck the Halls" or "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing?"

Learn all about it at this fascinating site.


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